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Tips and Tricks

*Eat Ice cubes, they give you the feel like your eating something and the coldness can actually burn calories.

*Drink ICE cold water, as I said before the ice will make your body work harder to keep your temp. up!

*If you have hunger pains, curl up in a ball.

*Take daily vitamins, if ya don't you'll be more hungry and it helps keep you looking good!

*If you have a real bad craving for something that's evil, Just taste it but don't swallow! Enjoy every bite!

*Take a cold shower.. you know why! :)

*I Don't know if you should/want to do this but if you have real bad hunger then drink one half of a liter to a liter of water. Fills you up but makes you look fat! The next day you'll get rid of it not like that piece of bread that you had to calm the cravings!

*Go take a nap.. you should get enough sleep! If you don't get al least 6 hours then your appitite is increased by 15%!

*If you love a certain food, save the wrappers even after you've eaten it. Smell it when you're hungry.

*Sit up straight. You'll burn at least ten percent more calories sitting upright than reclining.

*use kelp pills, it help boost metabolism.

*Never eat anything bigger that you fist.

*Drink 2tbsp of vinegar before the meal, so it well help suck out the fat out of it. Careful it may burn your mouth..

*Go to the kitchen often, and pretend your snacking, take a bite out of something and take a long time, look in the fridge stuff like that. People will always think your eating!

*Go Vegan or Vegetarian or just cut out red meat. Meat product's have a lot of fat& sat. fat in them.

*Have a peppermint, peppermints decrease hunger. Watch out.. 3 of those little things have 60 cals in them!