When Things Look Bad

Written by Sandy L. Keeney, Mid-Continent Council of Girl Scouts

Hi y'all, this is a re-post...but for those who are having "one of those years" this verse may help just a little bit. I wrote it last fall when things were catching up to me......and yes, most of the things mentioned are from experience :-) The pit the flashlight fell into was the latrine. But thinking about it, I don't know which makes me sniffle harder, the time one of my Brownies came up to me after Court of Awards and gave me a single long-stemmed rose, and said "Thank you for being my Brownie leader this year", or watching some of the girls I've seen grow up receive their Gold. (snuff)

When little girls' antics try your soul,
When parents' foibles take their toll,
When campouts never see the sun,
When the telephone makes you turn and run,

When no one shows for the event you planned,
When the food for the camp is full of sand,
When the flashlight falls into the pit,
When the director says, "I have to quit.",

When the thought of forms just makes you cry,
When your husband looks in the kitchen and sighs,
When you wish you had never heard of Girl Scouts,
When all you want is O-U-T OUT - -


When a Daisy jumped up and down with glee
When her name was called for the singing tree,
When a Brownie shyly gave you a flower,
When a Junior came down the rappelling tower,

When a Cadette nervously led her first station,
When a girl's first date caused a sensation,
When a Senior stood up tall and proud
To receive her Gold before the crowd,

Remember these, and hold on tight,
And keep our trefoil in your sight,
On your honor, be strong and true -
Remember, they're all counting on you!

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