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This site was created by Vera Bradova. These are my credentials: I minored in biology in college. My masters degree is in a field unrelated to medicine. I have informally studied herbalism and home remedies for most of my adult life. I had a very negative experience with mainstream infertility treatment which convinced me that medicine as commonly practiced is inadequate in dealing with chronic ills of obscure origin accompanied by idiosyncratic symptoms. When I was diagnosed with lymphoma six years ago, I felt that the only way to assure myself the kind of medical care I wanted was to learn as much as I could about this disease, and about ways to keep myself as healthy as possible for as long as possible. Eventually, I began to share my knowledge online. I am self-educated when it comes to medicine, and have some idiosyncratic opinions.

I like to be of use, and will be happy to receive feedback on this site, and discuss any controversial issues. If you have material which you would like to share with other lymphomians that fits in with the focus of this site, please write. As for flames sent by persons hostile to the integrative medicine point of view, they may be ignored, but then again, may be met with merciless tweakage.

My lymphoma story

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Updated 3-2-2001

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