Joe Bates Alternative Endings

.......... by Jan Williams

.......... Content Warning: This work of fiction contains mature subject matter and graphic sexual language including descriptions of consensual sex between men and women. If you think you can't deal with this story, or if it's illegal to possess such material in your locality, please hit the delete button now. If you're a minor as defined by the laws in your locality then you MUST stop now and go no further. As a work of fiction, any similarities to any person(s) dead, alive, or fictional is merely a really weird coincidence.

.......... Chapter 62

.......... THE NEW COMPANY

Monday, July 6

.......... They both got up when the alarm went off, Jo had to be at work by eight and Linda had to be at Hillcrest at ten. Their routine was starting to stabilize. Having two full bathrooms was convenient; they performed their usual morning toilet, put on their makeup, dressed and had breakfast. Linda kissed Jo goodbye and got in her car with Jo locking the door and getting in hers. The drive to Honeybone was uneventful as usual, the heavy traffic going the other way. Jo parked and spoke to the guard as she entered the building.

.......... Jo went to the conference room where she had been told the meeting was to take place. She was surprised to see Norm there, dressed in a smart woman's business suit. There were also several of the local Honeybone officials there. Jim started the meeting.

.......... "Good morning ladies and gentlemen. I would like to introduce Mrs. Norma Peterson, she will explain what this meeting is about, Mrs. Peterson."

.......... "Good morning. First I would like to express my pleasure over the good news I just heard concerning my four fellow pioneers. Next I want to discuss the restructuring of Honeybone Avionics. A parent company now being setup, Honeybone Enterprises, will wholly own Honeybone Avionics and a new company, Honeybone Genetic Sciences."

.......... "Honeybone Genetic Sciences will consist of three parts; A clinic, which will be the company's face to the public, a research institute which will pursue the further understanding and development of the 'cage,' and an operations department which will be responsible for the physical aspects of both the clinic and the research institute; design and procurement of the new equipment we expect to develop and the like. All funding required for the entire operation during its startup and initial operation will be provided by Honeybone Enterprises."

.......... "As you are aware, the device in what we are currently calling the cage has almost magical powers. I believe it has the potential to make this new company more profitable than Honeybone Avionics, and more importantly, of greater benefit to mankind."


.......... "I have been asked to assume the presidency of this new company and Dr. Krell has been asked to be the Chief of Medicine for the clinic and Director of the Research Institute, we have both accepted. Miss Karen Simpson, a Registered Nurse, has agreed to be the Director of Nursing and Clinic Administrator. I understand some people in the medical profession would say Dr. Krell now works for her. You might be interested to know Miss Simpson was an Air Force pilot and flight simulation specialist. In addition to her nursing degree, she also has completed her premed courses at the University of Arizona. I intend to ask, and will now do so, Miss Jo Ann Bates to be the Vice President of Operations. Miss Bates was also an Air Force pilot and holds a degree in electrical engineering with a Master's degree in business administration."

.......... "Jo"?

.......... "I think I'm going to need some time to think this over ... I accept."

.......... "I thought you would," said Norma Peterson, a big smile on her face. "A few additional items of relevant information; Mr. Tom Teasdale will become the President and CEO of Honeybone Enterprises, my vice president of manufacturing, Mr. George Anderson, will assume the Presidency of Honeybone Avionics and Mr. James Matheney will be responsible for providing all electrical and mechanical support needed during the startup phases of Honeybone Genetic Sciences, his staff will be increased as required. This is now public information so you may discuss it in broad terms with your families and friends. Any questions? Then we are adjourned."

.......... "I would like my new staff, and Dr. Krell to remain for a few minutes."

.......... "One point before we begin our informal discussions. Miss Simpson is responsible for the operation of the Medical Department, and has complete authority in that area, however, Dr. Krell has absolute authority over the medical and technical aspects of this endeavor. He will have a staff of eminent physicians and scientists, some full time and others as consultants. I am sure Dr. Krell and Miss Simpson will work out the details of their relationships."

.......... "Jo, I must tell you, it was to a large extent, your ability to remain, relatively I must say, calm and supportive during this ordeal that convinced me of your management capabilities. But even more importantly, this company was your idea, you saw the potential and brought it to the attention of Tom Teasdale, Dr. Krell and myself."

.......... "Thank you for your confidence in me Mrs. Peterson, this is a wonderful opportunity for me and I believe that, with this outstanding staff, we can make it work. And Karen, it's going to be a pleasure to work with you."

.......... "It's Norma, Jo, among this staff. I had to give up Norm for obvious reasons."

.......... "Thank you Jo, they couldn't have picked a better MAN," said Karen, smiling as she said man.

.......... "Well, we all have things to do. I suggest our first full day should start on Tuesday. Dr. Krell, of course you may join us if you are free, I know you have your clinic to run."

.......... "I will try to come over at mid morning, before I return to San Diego."

.......... "One more point, there seems to always be one more point doesn't there, I have not forgotten Darine, Michelle and Tim. As we develop the company structure in more detail, specific positions will be defined. I would like for them to be asked to apply for those positions they feel they are qualified for. I am asking you, Karen and Jo, to give them every reasonable consideration if they apply."

.......... Karen stayed to talk to Jo for a few minutes.

.......... "We've really gotten ourselves into something haven't we," said Karen, "I saw how long it took you to make up your mind, every bit of ten seconds."

.......... "Was it that long"? responded Jo with a grin, "I had thought about the potential for this for so long, I guess the response was almost automatic."

.......... "How about you? Did Dr. Krell have to talk you into it or did you really want to"?

.......... "Well, you know I don't have to work. That removes the concern over success or failure from the equation. I agree with you that this is going to be a tremendous success, even if we don't advance the technology beyond the cage. Just being able to help the people we can now will provide enough satisfaction."

.......... "Karen, I need to ask you a question. It's not a personal question but it may be a touchy subject."

.......... "Ask away, I've heard them all, and I think I know you well enough to accept it in the proper way."

.......... "Do you separate lesbians and homosexuals from transsexuals"?

.......... "That's simple, yes, I believe, and so does Dr. Krell, that they are completely different. The underlying causes may be related, but no, they are different. A lesbian is a woman who either doesn't like or is afraid of men, she wants to live with a woman instead of a man. A transsexual woman is a woman who wants to be a man. She likes men and wants to be one. Dr. Krell goes to great lengths to separate the two when he selects his patients."

.......... "That's the opinion I've formed since I've gotten into this. I thought about something while Linda and I were discussing our new sexual relationship, you know, are we becoming lesbians. The thought is this. My mind is definitely changing, the way I see the other gender and the way I see my own, and I don't think it's the hormones, at least not completely. I suspect it may be the chromosomes. I mentioned this to Dr. Krell and he jumped on the idea."

.......... "Suppose you could have had your chromosomes changed, 'straightened out' if you'll pardon the expression, so that you liked being a man. Would You have done it"?

.......... Karen was quiet for a long time, "Knowing what I know now, probably yes. But I'm not sure you could have convinced me to do it then ... with the proper counseling, maybe. This opens up a whole new dimension doesn't it."

.......... "I believe that's what Dr. Krell thinks too," said Jo. "What will Dr. Krell do with his clinic"?

.......... "I'm not sure, he only leases the building. His patient base comes from all over, the location of the clinic is arbitrary."

.......... "What about his staff"?

.......... "Probably not a concern. There's a shortage of nurses in San Diego, they would simply move to another clinic or hospital, or maybe some would go with him. Well, I'll see you tomorrow, bye"

.......... Jo's head was spinning as she left the parking lot. She could hardly wait to tell Linda but she wouldn't be home for another four hours.

.......... Jo was just about to pass Home Depot when she remembered she needed two more book cases. She stopped and bought two unassembled ones. Before she would have carried them to her car but now she was directed to the loading dock where a smiling young man loaded them in her car for her, "another woman's perk" she thought as she thanked him.

.......... Jo carried the book cases inside, one at a time. The assembly was simple so Jo skipped the instructions and put them together quickly. They weren't furniture quality but they would do for now, better than stacking her books on the floor.

.......... Putting the books on the shelves took more time than the assembly had. Linda came home before Jo had finished.

.......... "I do that differently," said Linda, startling Jo as she came up behind her.

.......... "And how's that"? answered Jo, getting up off the floor to give Linda a hug and kiss.

.......... "I let gravity do it for me. No matter how I arrange them in the beginning, they end up some other way. I just put them on the shelf and let them arrange themselves as I use them." "I guess I sort of group them into broad categories, but that's all."

.......... "Come on, tell me. Are you or aren't you"?

.......... "I'm pregnant"!

.......... "Come in the family room and sit with me. Tell me about it, want a Pepsi"?

.......... "I just did."

.......... "Just did what."

.......... "Told you about it, I'm PREGNANT."

.......... "I guess you did, that's all there is to it; you're pregnant and I'm going to be a father."

.......... "Yes silly."

.......... "Oh, ... I'm so happy for you"! said Jo as she grabbed Linda and hugged and kissed her. "Are you happy"?

.......... "It's the most wonderful day of my life," beamed Linda, "now what's going on with you"?

.......... "I've had my job classification changed," said Jo as she handed Linda her drink.

.......... "Good or bad," said Linda, a frown on her face.

.......... "Well, I guess some people could look at it either way. You are looking at the Vice President of Operations for Honeybone Genetic Sciences."

.......... "What are you talking about"? asked Linda, totally confused.

.......... "Mrs. NORMA Peterson was at the meeting this morning. She told us about the new company Honeybone has formed. Norma is the President, Dr. Krell is the Chief of Medicine and Director of Research, Karen is the Director of Nursing and Clinic Administrator and I am in charge of the physical aspects of the facility; component design and procurement, transportation, operation of the cage, maintenance, whatever."

.......... Linda was dumbfounded. Jo explained the reorganization of Honeybone, the new officers and outlined her thoughts about the potential for the new company.

.......... "It's going to take a lot of hard work but I believe it's going to be worth it. We have our first full day in the company tomorrow at eight. We'll use the offices at Honeybone until we can find a suitable building."

.......... "How about dinner at Bennigan's to celebrate, I'd like to take Jay and Barb too."

.......... "Okay, can I wear what I have on"?

.......... "Sure, I'll call Jay," said Jo as she dialed Jay's office. "Jay Logan please, Jay, Jo. I've got some good news, could you and Barb meet us at Bennigan's for Dinner? You were, Great, six-thirty, see you then, bye."

.......... "They were going out to eat anyway and hadn't picked a place yet. He said Bennigan's would be fine."

.......... The realization of what all this meant was finally beginning to register with Linda. She grabbed Jo and hugged her, "I'm so glad for you, so proud of you. And to think we were worried about your job, and Norm's."

.......... "Norma is a shrewd business woman and obviously hasn't lost her touch. Being the first to use the cage makes her an obvious choice to head the company. And they couldn't have found a better man to head the clinic and research department than Dr. Krell."

.......... "I brought you the change of address packet I told you about. It has all the forms and guides you through things so you won't forget anything."

.......... "That'll help. I went to the bank and post office on the way home so that's done. We've got a couple of hours before we have to leave, I think I'll do some of this while I have time. Things are going to get hectic starting tomorrow."

.......... "I need to shower before we go," said Linda as she went to her bedroom. "I think I'll just wear a skirt and blouse."

.......... Jo filled out most of the change of address cards, including ones for her licences. She showered and put on a skirt and blouse like Linda and was ready to go.

.......... Jo noticed that they were in luck again as Linda parked at Bennigan's. They went in, got a table and ordered drinks for four while they waited for Barb and Jay. They showed up just as the drinks arrived.

.......... "Hi, Jo, Linda. What's this good news"?

.......... "Actually three things, the last two happened today. I hadn't had the chance to tell you about the first thing either. Michelle and Tim used the cage Friday, Dave first two days earlier, and all indications are that their transformations are now complete."

.......... "What do you mean, complete"? asked Barb.

.......... "Oh, I guess you didn't know all the details. The accident didn't give us a complete uterus or functioning ovaries, they received an additional radiation dose that completed the transformation."

.......... "Oh."

.......... "Don't worry, no one understands it, we just stumbled onto the fix after we found out there was a problem. This is all completely new."

.......... "That brings up the next item, Linda, you tell them."

.......... Linda blushed, "I'm pregnant."

.......... Barb and Jay's mouths dropped open, they looked at Linda and then at Jo and then back at Linda.

.......... "It's Jo's," Linda assured them, "His testes moved up into his body but they weren't converted to ovaries, they are still producing sperm." "Dr. Krell extracted some of his sperm and I was artificially inseminated with it."

.......... "Now that Linda's pregnant, I'll probably use the cage Wednesday to complete my transformation."

.......... "What else"? asked Jay, "You said three things."

.......... "Oh, yeah, Barb, Jay, you are looking at the Vice President of Operations for Honeybone Genetic Sciences Inc." "NORMA Peterson has set up a new company and she is its President."

.......... Jo stopped for the waiter to take their order and then resumed.

.......... "Dr. Krell will head the medical part and Karen Simpson is the Director of Nursing and Clinic Administrator .... And we were worried about Honeybone taking care of us."

.......... "It sounds great, Jo, I know you must be pleased," said Jay, "what about the others, Michelle, Dave and Tim"?

.......... "As soon as we develop our staffing requirements, they will be asked to apply for any position they feel qualified for. Otherwise, they can remain with Honeybone Avionics."

.......... "Sounds fair enough," said Jay, "anything else new"?

.......... "Well, I've given up my apartment and moved in with Linda. Dave and Cindy seem to be getting along much better now, Dave is now Darine. She has given up fighting her situation and is trying to learn to live with it."

.......... "What's new with you guys"?

.......... "Business is good, Barb and I have picked up where we left off, a little beyond that I hope," said Jay, smiling at Barb.

.......... "It's beyond that," purred Barb, "how's the real-estate business Linda"?

.......... "Busy, it's the beginning of our busiest season,"

.......... Jay was curious about the new company so Jo went into more detail while Barb and Linda talked about Linda's pregnancy. The steaks were good as usual and they left in a general good mood.

.......... "I enjoyed the evening but it's still good to get home," said Jo.

.......... "I'm still thrilled about your promotion," said Linda, planting a big kiss on Jo's lips as Jo sat beside her on the sofa. Her kiss tasted sweeter this time as Jo prolonged it.

.......... "Wow, you must really be glad to be home," said Linda, leaning back in Jo's arms and looking into her eyes.

.......... "I am, I'm so glad you're pregnant, and I feel better about myself."

.......... Linda still thought of this beautiful girl as Joe in a borrowed body, but the feminization of Jo's mind had been clouding her perception of Linda. She loved her, and deeply, but it was becoming more like a love for a dear sister. The hugs were great but the full mouth kisses were disturbing sometime. That was puzzling since their frequent 69 sessions were the highlight of Jo's day, her whole life was puzzling. Jo pulled Linda to her and planted another kiss on her lips, the hell with it she thought, "I love this woman, even more now that she's carrying our child."

.......... "Linda, I've been working on this for several days now. Your pregnancy has probably erased the need for me to tell you, but I'm going to tell you anyway, the end result is the same either way. I've been worrying about our love life. Images of lesbians sleeping together sometimes creep into my mind. My male mind still remembers how Joe liked to go down on you and how Joe liked for you to go down on him. But there's not much left of my male mind, and my female mind can only see you as a woman. It sees me as a lesbian."

.......... "I know, we've talked about it before. Do you see me as a lesbian too"? asked Linda.

.......... "No, I don't think I've ever believed that, I've questioned it but I've never believed you were; I think you see me as a man," said Jo, "and when you go down on me, you are just making do with what you find there. And when you feel me sucking your clit, its no different from when Joe did it."

.......... "That pretty well describes it, except you do a better job now," purred Linda, "but why can't you look at it the same way ... oh, ... I didn't change did I. Suppose I do change, would you take me in your mouth then"?

.......... "When I didn't have you in my vagina," purred Jo, "seriously, I think so. My female mind thinks a penis is cute, it wants to take it into my body. I would be thinking like a woman by then and would probably enjoy it as much as you used to."

.......... "Karen and I talked about lesbians and transsexuals today. She is a transsexual and she said the two are completely different. I'm an unwilling transsexual, and so are you to an extent. At least you've been forced into that role. She understands our circumstances and sees nothing wrong with us satisfying ourselves sexually in the only way we can."

.......... "It's not a problem for me Jo. I like what we do, the orgasms you give me have never been better. I miss having you in me but I can accept our sex life. Do you feel better about yours now that you've talked to Karen"?

.......... "I don't know if it was that or you being pregnant or my new hormones but your kiss sure tasted sweet just now."

.......... "Want another one"? asked Linda as she placed her lips on Jo's.

.......... "This is going to be a nice evening" thought Jo as she moved to a more comfortable position.

.......... "I've got to solve this lesbian problem, put it to rest for good," said Jo. "I can't go on like this. Get undressed and come to bed."

.......... "Will that solve it"? asked a smiling Linda.

.......... "It will when we finish this bottle of wine," smiled Jo as she got a bottle of wine and two glasses.

.......... They lay there on the bed, naked, playing with each other as they sipped the wine. Not enough to get drunk, just enough to feel warm all over.

.......... "I'm going to think of your clit as a penis and perform fellatio on it," said Jo, "you just keep doing what you've been doing."

.......... They lay there for a long time, Jo making love to her husband while Linda tried to make believe she was making love to her wife. That night Jo's dream was of her making love to her husband on their wedding night. Maybe that new shot of estrogen was starting to have an effect.

More Bates Alternative Endings Next Issue here on Sapphire's Channel!

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